Employee Free Choice Act

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

CEOs explain why economy still sucks...

Okay, that's not their politically-correct terminology, but it should be...
Despite a slightly more upbeat report, Business Roundtable Chairman Ivan Seidenberg said chief executives still have plenty of angst. They are not sure if the economy will continue to build momentum and are concerned about new congressional proposals to increase taxes and regulations on business, he said.

"There's a lot of caution on the part of CEOs," Seidenberg said after the report was issued Wednesday. "We are not expanding as fast as we expected to at this stage of the recovery."

The day before the report, Seidenberg warned of a "growing disconnect" between business and government that he said are preventing the economy from growing faster and creating more jobs.

Now, wait for the job killers on the Left to complain...

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